Installation : MegaRAID Storage Manager Software Customization

MegaRAID Storage Manager Software Customization

You can customize your Logo and Splash window by editing the file present in the <installation-directory\MegaRAID Storage Manager> folder.

The file has no values for the following keys:





No default values are assigned for these keys; therefore, the MegaRAID Storage Manager software uses the default Avago Logo and splash screen.

To customize the Logo and splash screen, enter the Logo and Splash screen file name against these entries.

To enter the file names follow these steps:


Open the file in the <installation-directory\MegaRAID Storage Manager> folder.


Enter the value for the logo file against the CHANNELLOGO key.


Enter the value for the splash screen file against the CHANNELSPLASHSCREEN key.


Save the file.


Place these two images in the <installation-directory\MegaRAID Storage Manager> folder.


Start the application.

Following are some of important points that you need to keep in mind:


File names for both entries should not have any spaces.

For example, the valid file name would be: logo_test_1.png, LogoTest1.png, or TEST_SPLASH_FILE.jpg.


The logo image dimensions should not exceed 160 pixels x 85 pixels (width x height).


The splash screen image dimensions should not exceed 390 pixels x 260 pixels (width x height).

After making the changes mentioned previously, when you log into the MegaRAID Storage Managers software, you will be able to view the changes with the new splash screen and logo in the MegaRAID Storage Manager software.