Installing a CIM SAS Storage Provider on the Linux Operating System
NOTE Uninstall all the previous versions of LSISASProvider before you install this version. You can check all of the installed versions of LSISASProvider by running the rpm -qa | grep LsiSASProvider command.
NOTE After you install the Avago CIM SAS Provider, the MOF file LSI_SASRaid.mof is available under the /etc/lsi_cimprov/sas/pegasus/common directory.
rpm –ivh LsiSASProvider-<version>.<arch>.rpm
NOTE Tog-pegasus binaries, such as cimmof, cimprovider, and wbemexec, should be in the PATH variable of /etc/profile, and hence, are defined in all environments of the system.
DB09000202-21, Rev 2.2, July 2015 |
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