Installation : Installing and Supporting the MegaRAID Storage Manager Software on VMware : Installing the MegaCLI Utility for VMware 5.0

Installing the MegaCLI Utility for VMware 5.0

The MegaCLI utility is packaged into a vSphere® Installation Bundle (VIB) for VMware 5.0.

To install the VIB, use the following command:

esxcli software vib install -v=<path to CLI VIB> --force --maintenance-mode --no-sig-check

In the preceding command, the parameters specify the following information:



Bypasses checks for package dependencies, conflicts, obsolescence, and acceptance levels.



Pretends that the maintenance mode is in effect. Otherwise, the installation stops for live installations that require maintenance mode.



Bypasses acceptance level verification, including signing.

For example, if the MegaCLI VIB, vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.02.14.vib, is present in the /tmp directory, it can be installed using the following command:

esxcli software vib install -v =/tmp/vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.02.14.vib --force --maintenance-mode --no-sig-check

After the MegaCLI package is installed, it is available in the /opt/lsi/MegaCLI directory.

To uninstall the VIB, use the following command:

esxcli software vib remove --force -n=<name of the VIB>

For example, if you are uninstalling the vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.02.14.vib, use the following command:

esxcli software vib remove --force -n=vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.02.14