Installation : Installing and Supporting the MegaRAID Storage Manager Software on VMware : MegaRAID Storage Manager Remotely Connecting to VMware ESX

MegaRAID Storage Manager Remotely Connecting to VMware ESX

When the MegaRAID Storage Manager software is used to connect to a VMware ESX machine from a remote machine (Windows or Linux), for long running operations (such as volume creation, deletion) to complete in a shorter time, perform the following steps:


Login to the VMware ESX machine.


Open /etc/sfcb/sfcb.cfg.


Increase the keepaliveTimeout value from 1 to 100 or to a higher value.


Restart sfcbd ( /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog restart).


Restart the MegaRAID Storage Manager Framework on the MegaRAID Storage Manager client machine.


For Windows – Restart the framework service.


For Linux – Restart the vivaldi framework service.


Relaunch the MegaRAID Storage Manager window.