Configuration : Enabling Security on JBOD

Enabling Security on JBOD

The MegaRAID Storage Manager software supports Enable Security feature for security capable JBOD drives.

Follow these steps to enable security on security capable JBOD drives:


In the left panel of the MegaRAID Storage Manager window, select the Security capable JBOD drive for which you want to enable security.


In the MegaRAID Storage Manager window, select Go To > Physical Drive > Enable Security as shown in the following figure.

Figure 60. MegaRAID Storage Manager Window


You can also make a JBOD secure as follows.


In the MegaRAID Storage Manager window, right click on Controller >Make JBOD Secure.

The Make JBOD Secure dialog appears, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 61. Make JBOD Secure Window


Select the JBOD drive for which you need to enable security.


Click Secure.