Using MegaRAID Advanced Software : Recovery Advanced Software : Application Scenarios and Messages

Application Scenarios and Messages

Scenario # 1

If you enter an invalid activation key, the following message appears.

Figure 105. Invalid Activation Key Message

Scenario # 2

If you enter an incorrect activation key file, the following message appears.

Figure 106. Incorrect Activation Key File Message

Scenario # 3

If you enter an incorrect activation key, and if a mismatch exists between the activation key and the controller, the following message appears.

Figure 107. Activation Key Mismatch Message

NOTE  Entering a space in the Activation Key field disables the Next button in the Figure 1 figure.

If you click Cancel in the Activate MegaRAID Advanced Software – Choose Method dialog, as shown in the Figure 1 figure, the following confirmation dialog box appears.

Figure 108. Activate MegaRAID Advanced Software - Confirmation Dialog