Using MegaRAID Advanced Software : Recovery Advanced Software : Re-hosting Complete

Re-hosting Complete

If you want to transfer the advanced software options from one controller to another, use the re-hosting process. The re-hosting process makes sure that these options are secured in the Key Vault. You have to configure the Key Vault to complete the re-hosting process.


Choose any one of the following options to complete the re-hosting process.


Click the Configure Key Vault button from the Manage MegaRAID Advanced Software Options wizard.


Select Go To > Controller > Manage MegaRAID Advanced Software Options wizard.

The Re-Hosting Process - Complete wizard appears, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 116. Re-Hosting Process - Complete Dialog


Select the I acknowledge that I have completed the re-hosting process in the Avago Advanced Software License Management Portal check box if you want to complete the re-hosting process.

This setting makes sure that the advanced software features are transferred to the controller.


Click Cancel if you do not want to activate the re-hosting process.