Using MegaRAID Advanced Software : Avago MegaRAID SafeStore Encryption Services : Disabling Drive Security

Disabling Drive Security

ATTENTION  If you disable drive security, your existing data is not secure and you cannot create any new secure virtual drives. Disabling drive security does not affect the security of data on foreign drives. If you removed any drives that were previously secured, you still need to enter the password when you import them. Otherwise, you cannot access the data on those drives. If there are any secure drive groups on the controller, you cannot disable drive security. A warning dialog appears if you attempt to do so. To disable drive security, you must first delete the virtual drives on all of the secure drive groups.

Perform the following steps to disable drive security:


Select the Physical View tab in the left panel of the MegaRAID Storage Manager window, and select a controller icon.


Select Go To > Controller > Disable Drive Security.

The Confirm Disable Drive Security dialog appears.


To disable drive security, click Yes.

The MegaRAID Storage Manager software disables drive security and returns you to the main menu.

ATTENTION  If you disable drive security, you cannot create any new encrypted virtual drives and the data on all encrypted unconfigured drives will be erased. Disabling drive security does not affect the security or data of foreign drives.