Monitoring Server Events and Devices : Monitoring Rebuilds and Other Processes

Monitoring Rebuilds and Other Processes

If a drive in a mirrored array (RAID 1 or RAID 1E) fails, the MegaRAID Storage Manager software automatically rebuilds it on a hot spare drive.

A red circle to the right of the drive icon () indicates that a drive has failed. A yellow circle appears by the icon of the virtual drive that uses this drive to show that the virtual drive is in a partially degraded state; the data is still safe, but data could be lost if another drive fails.

You can monitor the progress of drive rebuilds in MegaRAID Storage Manager in the Group Show Progress window. To open this window, follow these steps:


Select Manage > Show Progress.


(Optional) Click Abort All to abort all ongoing processes.


Click Close to close the window.

The Group Show Progress window shows a percent-complete indicator for drive rebuilds. Rebuilds might take a long time to complete and cannot be aborted. An up-arrow appears above the drive icon while it is being rebuilt.

Operations on virtual drives appear in the left panel of the window, and operations on physical drives appear in the right panel. The following types of operations appear in this window:


Initialization of a virtual drive (see Initializing a Virtual Drive)


Rebuild (see Rebuilding a Drive)

You cannot abort a Modify Drive Group process. To abort any other ongoing process, click the Abort button next to the status indicator. Click Abort All to abort all the ongoing processes. Click Close to close the window.

If a drive in a redundant configuration (RAID 1 or RAID 1E) fails, the MegaRAID Storage Manager software automatically rebuilds it on a hot spare drive.