Monitoring Server Events and Devices : Configuring Alert Event Notifications : Loading Backup Configurations

Loading Backup Configurations

You can load all of the values from a previously saved backup into the dialog (all tabs) to edit or send to the monitor.

NOTE  If you choose to load a backup configuration and the Configure Alerts window currently contains changes that have not yet been sent to the monitor, the changes will be lost. You are prompted to confirm your choice.


On the Configure Alerts window, click the Alert Setting tab, the Mail Server tab, or the Email tab.


Click Load Backup.

A message appears that warns that when you load a saved backup file, all unsaved changes made in the current session will be lost.


Click Yes.

The drive directory appears, from which you can select a backup configuration to load.


Select the backup configuration file (it should be in .xml format).


Click Open.

The drive directory disappears.


Click OK.

The backup configuration is loaded, and the Configure Alerts window closes.