Вышла новая прошивка REDFISH_X10_377 для материнской платы X10DRi-T.
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Скачать прошивку: REDFISH_X10_377
Release note: X10DRi-T_IPMI_3_77_release_notes.pdf
Дата релиза: 27 июля 2018
Добавлена возможность чистить Event Log.
Новые фичи
- Added support for saving 3108 storage controller status event.
- Added new Redfish features for downloading and uploading IPMI configuration.
- Added adaptive temperature threshold in SDR for drives connected to 3108.
- Enabled AC Power On Event log.
- Added enable and disable options for 3108's JBOD mode over BMC's Web page and Redfish API "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Storage/HA-RAID".
- Added Redfish memory information feature.
- Added support for new Redfish firmware inventory (3108 storage controller) to update firmware.
- Enabled update of 3108's firmware over BMC's Web page.
- Redfish no longer returns 500 when NetworkProtocol is patched after factory default.
- Correct sensor reading of AOC-STG-i4S.
- Removed duplicate AOC NIC on sensor reading WebGUI.
- Set AC Power On Event log to be reported when BMC executes cold reboot.
- BMC now logs events when user removes pre-installed HDDs (connected to storage backplane and 3108) during system boot and after Broadcom 3108 storage controller is initialized.
- Fixed problem of "undefined" message appearing in pop-up window before uploading Broadcom 3108's ROM.
- SSM System Information Details can show more than 1 storage enclosure.
- Allow 3108's firmware update from BMC's Web page if Logical device is on the card.
- Corrected timeout of Invalid Default Active Directory.
- Reenable upload button to upload floppy disk after unmounting a file.
- Allow JBOD change mode.
- Multi-language support for iKVM/HTML5 console help page.
- Corrected email function failures.
- Corrected Java SOL console launch failures.
- Corrected BMC MAC address formats.
- Power consumption history no longer shows minimum power as 0W.