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Накопительное обновление SQL Server 2019 CU2

Microsoft SQL Server 2019

13 февраля 2020 года вышло второе накопительное обновление SQL Server 2019 CU2. Build version: 15.0.4013.40. KB4536075.

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VSTS bug number KB article number Description Fix area Platform
13200686 4523102 FIX: SQL Server database remains in frozen I/O state indefinitely when backed up by VSS SQL Engine Windows
13324029 4524191 FIX: Menu and scroll bar are missing in "Changes" section when large number of changesets are added in Excel add-in for MDS in SQL Server 2017 and 2019 Data Quality Services (DQS) Windows
13323999 4524542 FIX: MDS and/or LocalDB patch installation fails if you patch SQL Server with a next CU Setup & Install Windows
13324036 4525483 FIX: Exception error 3628 may occur when you run stored procedure in SQL Server SQL Engine Windows
13323991, 13324024 4527229 FIX: UPDATE STATISTICS takes very long time to generate maintenance plan for large databases in SQL Server SQL Engine Windows
13323995 4527355 FIX: Synchronized job may fail when the target servers start to synchronize the database in SQL Server 2016 and 2017 SQL Engine Windows
13324038 4527510 FIX: User hierarchy is not hidden when you run DISCOVER_CSDL_METADATA in SQL Server 2017 and 2019 Analysis Services Windows
13324009 4527716 FIX: You may encounter a non-yielding scheduler condition when you run query with parallel batch-mode sort operator in SQL Server

SQL performance

13324033 4527916 FIX: You may receive incorrect object_id after you switch a partition in SQL Server 2017 and 2019 SQL Engine Windows
13324015 4528066 FIX: Unable to restore SQL Server 2012 databases on SQL Server 2016, 2017 or 2019 because of NCCI SQL Engine Windows
13324013 4528067 FIX: Error 8959 may occur on IAM page when you query sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats against partitioned columnstore table after partition switch in SQL Server SQL performance Windows
13323987 4528250 FIX: Assertion error occurs when you use IDENT_CURRENT on view that has identity columns in SQL Server In-Memory OLTP Windows
13324026 4529833 FIX: sp_describe_parameter_encryption returns different results if you switch parameter positions in SQL Server 2017 and 2019 SQL security Windows
13324007 4529876 FIX: Memory may not get released when you process partitions with data in SQL Server Analysis Services Windows
13299413 4530097 FIX: Package execution may be impacted in SQL Server 2019 Integration Services Integration Services Windows
13323997 4530212 FIX: Access violation occurs when you use sys.dm_os_memory_objects in SQL Server SQL performance Linux
13324000 4530251 FIX: Error 8601 occurs when you run a query with partition function in SQL Server SQL performance Windows
13324019 4530259 FIX: Scripts generated by SSMS collect different wait types after you install SQL Server SQL Engine Windows
13324003 4530443 FIX: Non-yielding scheduler issue occurs in SQL Server when you run an online build for an index that's not partition-aligned SQL performance Windows
13324021 4530475 FIX: IsError function fails to detect error in Excel XIRR function when MDX query is executed from SSIS Analysis Services Windows
13323989 4531010 FIX: CREATE INDEX with new CE reads the partition table and results in huge row count higher than the total table row count in SQL Server SQL performance Windows
13262847 4531232 FIX: PolyBase Engine Service may dump if an error occurs during retrieval of Data Pool metadata in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine Linux
13262635 4531384 FIX: Queries may fail in SQL Server 2019 when PolyBase is under stress and heavy cancellations SQL Engine All
13257853 4531736 FIX: SQLDiag fails to generate output due to missing stored procedure tempdb.dbo.sp_sqldiag14 in SQL Server 2017 and 2019 Management Tools Windows
13299424 4533497 FIX: External satellite process scripts like R, Python are unable to access any directories outside of their working directory in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13262515 4534148 FIX: PolyBase query may hang if you cancel the query after it is started in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine  All
13309415 4534249 FIX: Unable to execute sys.dm_exec_requests when you install SQL Server 2019 or when you upgrade from prior versions of SQL Server High Availability All
13329379 4536005 Improvement: Fix incorrect memory page accounting that causes out-of-memory errors in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13333721 4536684 FIX: Error occurs when QDS is turned on or you generate query plan for Polybase queries in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13333572 4536841 FIX: Error occurs while creating External Data Source for Data Pool that has nondefault name for LOCATION in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13333730 4537072 FIX: Creating an external table against an Oracle database in SQL Server 2019 may fail if using Oracle database 12.2 or later versions SQL Engine All
13342963 4537347 FIX: Error 544 occurs when you use SET IDENTITY_INSERT on temp table in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13355673 4537350 FIX: Access violation occurs when you run DBCC CHECKTABLE against a table with Clustered Columnstore Index in SQL Server 2017 and 2019 SQL Engine Windows
13345413 4537401 FIX: Custom date format with time doesn't work properly in SQL Server 2019 Master Data Services Data Quality Services (DQS) Windows
13330439 4537452 FIX: Logreader doesn't execute when you upgrade from SQL Server 2017 to 2019 SQL Engine Windows
13346172 4537710 FIX: SOS_BLOCKALLOCPARTIALLIST spin lock contention may occur when TF 834 is enabled in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13317221 4537749 Improvement: Port additional two system tables in Tempdb Memory-Optimized Metatdata feature in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13323218 4537751 FIX: Error due to explicit transaction isolation level hint when accessing Memory-Optimized Tempdb catalog views in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine Windows
13277345 4537868 Improvement: Enable DNN feature in SQL Server 2019 FCI SQL connectivity Windows
13328937 4537869 FIX: Log shipping agent is not able to log history and error information to SQL Server 2019 High Availability Windows
13314029 4538017 FIX: Severe contention on LOGCACHE_ACCESS spinlock in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine  All
13343690 4538036 FIX: Error occurs when you query storage pool external table that contains column with money data type in SQL Server 2019 BDC SQL BDC Linux
13262799 4538112 Improvement: Use QUOTENAME with EXECUTE AT to query on table that has column name with quotes in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13322585 4538159 FIX: Calculation with summarizecolumn returns unexpected results after upgrading to SSAS 2019 with compatability level 1500 Analysis Services Windows
13327197 4538161 FIX: Error occurs when you run queries in PolyBase scale-out groups in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine Windows
13333719 4538162 FIX: Unable to start PolyBase services when TCP/IP is not enabled in SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition SQL Engine Windows
13333743 4538163 FIX: PolyBase may fail to generate dumps if an error occurs during the distributed query optimization phase in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13334474 4538164 FIX: Error occurs when you run the same PolyBase query multiple times in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13343052 4538174 FIX: Error occurs and AG will be in non-synchronizing state when failover happens in primary AG of Distributed Availability Group in SQL Server 2017 on Linux High Availability All
13329355 4538205 Improvement: Download new CAB files that have fixes for R/Python runtime features SQL Engine Windows
13355058 4538342 FIX: Latest drivers fail to work with in-memory compiled queries in SQL Server 2019 SQL security All
13355108 4538344 FIX: Passwords are masked in audit logs in SQL Server 2019 SQL security All
13294980 4538377 FIX: Non-yielding scheduler condition occurs when you run batch mode query with multiple joins in SQL Server 2017 and 2019 SQL performance All
13343031 4538378 FIX: The "is_media_read_only" value remains unchanged for a SQL Server data file even though the media is no longer read-only SQL Engine Windows
13356198 4538382 Implement support for Kerberos constrained delegation in SQL Server 2019 on Linux SQL Engine Linux
13356850 4538481 FIX: Exception occurs when you run UNION ALL+ORDER BY/MERGE UNION ALL queries on table that contains randomized encrypted data in SQL Server 2019 SQL security All
13314681 4538495 FIX: Access violation occurs when you create remote stored procedure with one of the system variable (@@servername, @@servicename) in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine Windows
13347083 4538496 FIX: Unable to encrypt data when using column encryption with symmetric keys in SQL Server 2019 SQL security Windows
13356844 4538573 FIX: Changes made using ALTER DATABASE...SQL Server 2019 fails to log changes in SQL Error log or raise database trigger SQL Engine All
13358159 4538575 FIX: Login and logout failures occur while auditing data classification attributes in SQL Server 2019 SQL security All
13345912, 13303147 4538581 FIX: Scalar UDF Inlining issues in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13252064 4538595 Improvement: New features included in library management for external languages in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13336034 4538688 FIX: Severe spinlock contention occurs in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13356829 4538689 Improvement: Add BDC data/storage pool nodes DMVs in SQL Server 2019 SQL BDC Linux
13234378 4538759 Improvement: Module and offset information is sent as output for dumps in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine Linux
13336003 4538858 FIX: Dumps occur because of OOM condition in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13356782 4538968 FIX: PolyBase query execution time may increase exponentially when you run concurrent queries in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13333564 4538978 Improvement: Add BDC storage pool cache in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13334483 4539000 FIX: SSMS showplan error occurs for BDC query in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13359683 4539197 FIX: Null pointer exception error occurs when "latch_suspend_end" XEvent is enabled in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13356818 4539198 FIX: Map large fixed width types to variable width types in PolyBase in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13356967 4539199 FIX: PolyBase defaults string mapping for Microsoft Spark ODBC driver in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13356977 4539200 FIX: Internal DMS error when you use PolyBase Generic ODBC connector in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13325930 4539201 FIX: XML queries in PolyBase fail with an unknown type error in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine Windows
13326430 4539203 FIX: Error occurs when you use PolyBase Generic ODBC connector with backend that has unsupported quote character in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine Windows
13373021 4539340 FIX: Include support for Excel ODBC driver and Text ODBC driver from Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable package in PolyBase for SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine All
13250169 4540371 FIX: Query on Clustered Columnstore Index in SQL Server 2019 uses more CPU time than in SQL Server 2016 SQL Engine Windows
13325916 4540372 FIX: XML PATH queries in PolyBase fail with an error in SQL Server 2019 SQL Engine Windows
13357902 4540449 FIX: Error occurs in sp_xml_preparedocument where MSXMLSQL tries to access virtual address space beyond limit in SQL Server 2017 and 2019 SQL Engine All
13443207 4551838 FIX: Memory leak by Controller container in SQL Server 2019 BDC SQL Engine Linux



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Накопительное обновление SQL Server 2019 CU7

2 сентября 2020 года вышло седьмое накопительное обновление SQL Server 2019 CU7. Build version: 15.0.4063.15. KB4570012. В обновлении найден баг в снапшотах. НЕ УСТАНАВЛИВАЙТЕ ЕГО! Установите следующее накопительной обновление.
