Делюсь полезным шаблоном для мониторинга сервера HP Proliant DL360 Gen9. Мониторим по IPMI. Шаблон делал сам.
Версия 3.
Обновление шаблона от 19.03.2019. Исправлены данные по электропитанию, добавлены триггеры, внесены IPMI value mapping, добавлены графики, приложения.
В шаблоне 7 приложений, 80 элементов данных, 39 триггеров и 3 графика.
Скачать шаблон zabbix 3.4: zbx_IPMI_HPDL360G9_v3.xml
Скачать шаблон zabbix 5.0: zbx5_IPMI_HPDL360G9.xml
Value mapping
Administration > General > Value mapping
IPMI Availability Status States
1 ⇒ Device Removed / Device Absent
2 ⇒ Device Inserted / Device Present
IPMI Availability Status States (0Ah)
1 ⇒ Transition to Running
2 ⇒ Transition to In Test
4 ⇒ Transition to Power Off
8 ⇒ Transition to On Line
16 ⇒ Transition to Off Line
32 ⇒ Transition to Off Duty
64 ⇒ Transition to Degraded
128 ⇒ Transition to Power Save
256 ⇒ Install Error
IPMI Battery
1 ⇒ Battery low (predictive failure)
2 ⇒ Battery failed
4 ⇒ Battery presence detected
IPMI Drive Slot (Bay)
1 ⇒ Drive Present
2 ⇒ Drive Fault
4 ⇒ Predictive Failure
8 ⇒ Hot Spare
16 ⇒ Consistency Check / Parity Check in progress
32 ⇒ In Critical Array
33 ⇒ Drive Present In Critical Array
35 ⇒ Drive Fault In Critical Array
64 ⇒ In Failed Array
128 ⇒ Rebuild/Remap in progress
256 ⇒ Rebuild/Remap Abortes (was not complete normally)
IPMI Memory
1 ⇒ Correctable ECC
2 ⇒ Uncorrectable ECC
4 ⇒ Parity
8 ⇒ Memory Scrub Failed
16 ⇒ Memory Device Disabled
32 ⇒ Correctable ECC / other correctable memory error logging limit r
64 ⇒ Presence detected
128 ⇒ Configuration error
256 ⇒ Spare
512 ⇒ Memory Automatically Throttled
1024 ⇒ Critical Overtemperature
1 ⇒ On
2 ⇒ Off
4 ⇒ Blink
IPMI Power Supply
0 ⇒ Power supply not installed
1 ⇒ Presence detected
2 ⇒ Failure detected
4 ⇒ Predictive Failure
8 ⇒ Input lost (AC/DC)
16 ⇒ Input lost or out-of-range
32 ⇒ Input out-of-range but present
64 ⇒ Configuration error
128 ⇒ Inactive
IPMI Redundancy States
1 ⇒ Fully Redundant
2 ⇒ Redundancy Lost
4 ⇒ Redundancy Degraded
8 ⇒ Non-Redundant
16 ⇒ Non-Redundant
32 ⇒ Non-Redundant
64 ⇒ Redundancy Degraded
128 ⇒ Redundancy Degraded
IPMI Severity Event States
1 ⇒ Transition to OK
2 ⇒ Transition to Non-Critical from OK
4 ⇒ Transition to Critical from less severe
8 ⇒ Transition to Non-recoverable from less severe
16 ⇒ Transition to Non-Critical from more severe
32 ⇒ Transition to Critical from Non-recoverable
64 ⇒ Transition to Non-recoverable
128 ⇒ Monitor
256 ⇒ Informational
Fan Speed