Вышла новая прошивка REDFISH_X10_380 для материнской платы X10DRL-i. Прошивку пока не ставил.
На страничке производителя: https://www.supermicro.com/en/products/motherboard/X10DRL-i
На базе этой материнки два сервера:
Скачать прошивку: REDFISH_X10_380.zip
Release note: X10DRL-I_IPMI_3_80_release_notes.pdf
Важное дополнение:
Please update to the latest ASPEED VGA driver in your OS, before updating the IPMI firmware v3.80.
- Patched for CVE-2019-6260 pantsdown.
- Migrated IPMI Event Log to the URL "redfish/v1/Systems/1/LogServices" in Redfish and renamed the function name from "Event Log" to "System Management Log" in Redfish & Web UI.
- Fixed problem of degraded & unavailable SEL event appearing after Broadcom 3108 firmware is updated.
- Allow setting NM power policy by Redfish API.
- Corrected inability to add AD group name and domain in SMCIPMITool.
- Allow opening Java IKVM when domain name is used to login to BMC.