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HPE MSA 1040/2040 Storage — прошивка GL225R003

HPE MSA 2040

Последняя на текущий момент прошивка СХД HPE MSA 1040/2040 - версия GL225R003 (18 дек 2017).

Прошивка проверена на СХД:

  • HPE MSA 2040

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  • Added support for Office 365 as an email notification system.
  • HTTPS supports TLS v1.1 and v1.2.


  • Controller reboots when scrub detected an error.
  • An array hangs when all available resources are consumed during a Snap Pool auto-expansion or deletion.
  • Controller crash due to the virtual snapshots being fully allocated.
  • Scheduled snapshots are not created successfully.
  • Host IO accessing redundant path can cause a DDR Port timeout resulting in a controller crash.
  • PCIE link failure caused a controller to crash.
  • Able to access internal management controller reseserved IP addresses.
  • Controller crash due to volume and a snapshot attempting to access the same page.
  • When one controller detects a failover stall, both controllers will no longer reboot.
  • RAID1 Vdisk does not display the volumes correctly in SMU after a drive failure.
  • VDRAIN process causes high CPU utilization.
  • Controller crash due to the allocation of resources when deleting a sparsely allocated large Pool.
  • When using linear replication and many snapshots are being preserved, the controllers run out of available resources and will repeatedly crash and reboot.
  • When a Pool is marked as offline, a user can no longer remove a disk-group.
  • Controller will get caught in a warm boot loop which results in both controllers getting out of sync.
  • While creating performance statistics, the historical statistics would not accurately collect all the data.
  • Controller crash during a failover process where both controllers attempt to access the same memory location.
  • Controller will crash due to a Critical Error: MScrub006.
  • Overlapping controller commands causes a PCIE link failure causing a controller to crash.
  • A virtual Pool is offline due to Unreadable Metadata.
  • An SNMP log-in is created that uses privacy type but no authentication type.
  • Event viewer in locale other than English may output in XML format.
  • After creating a volume, the volumes table is not updated for multiple seconds.
  • When adding large number of hosts to a host group, the command may fail.
  • The SMU does not send managed log email when the gateway is
  • FDE Lock Key IDs may display inaccurately if reconfiguration of FDE features is attempted after clearing the Lock Key IDs and before power cycling the system.
  • If a replication is suspended by the system, the array with the secondary volume may incorrectly report an event that the replication was suspended by the user.
  • After a volume copy, the new volume does not inherit tier affinity property settings of its source.
  • After a volume copy, the new volume does not inherit snap retention priority settings of its source.
  • Creating a replication set may fail when large pool is enabled.
  • FDE import key is allowed to be assigned before fde-lock key.

Последние прошивки СХД HP MSA здесь.



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