Понадобилось удалённо ненадолго подсветить диск у СХД. В третьей версии GUI у HP MSA 2040 не смог найти интерфейс управления светодиодами дисков. Мдя. Пришлось воспользоваться CLI через SSH.
set led disk 1.18 off
Вот help в помощь:
# help set led
Changes the state of the identification LED on a specified device. LEDs are
described in the User Guide.
To set a disk LED:
set led
disk <ID>
To set the LEDs for an enclosure and its I/O modules:
set led
[controller a|b]
enclosure <ID>
controller a|b
Optional; for use with the enclosure parameter. Specifies the I/O module to
locate. This affects the unit locator LED on the I/O module and the unit
identification LED on the enclosure's right ear.
disk <ID>
Specifies the disk to locate. For disk syntax, type "help syntax". This
affects the Fault/UID LED.
Specifies to set or unset the LED.
enclosure <ID>
Specifies the enclosure to locate. This affects the unit identification LED
on the enclosure's right ear and the unit locator LED on each I/O module.
Identify disk 5 in enclosure 1.
# set led disk 1.5 on
Stop identifying enclosure 1.
# set led enclosure 1 off
Identify controller B in enclosure 1.
# set led enclosure 1 controller b on