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iLO 4 v 2.61 от 6 августа 2018 г

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

6 августа 2018 г вышла новая версия iLO 4 2.61

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  • Intermittent boot failures encountered when server boots from MicroSD card.
  • Fixed problem with AHS download that might have unreadable data for the current day.
  • iLO Web GUI sessions might not logoff at the end of timeout period.
  • Incorrect information displayed for Power Supply Bay in AHS viewer.
  • License hyperlink in Access Settings page of GUI leads to Page Not Found.
  • Unable to login to iLO CLI after setting iLO to factory defaults, requiring an additional iLO reset.
  • Unable to delete REST interface sessions with users having certain special characters.
  • SNMP may become unresponsive over a period of time. (Ну наконец-то)



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