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Накопительное обновление SQL Server 2014 SP3 CU1

Microsoft SQL Server

12 декабря 2018 года вышло первое накопительное обновление SQL Server 2014 SP3 CU1. Build version: 12.0.6205.1. KB4470220.

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Перед установкой этого обновления убедитесь, что у вас установлен SP3:
MSSQL 2014 - устанавливаем Service Pack 3


VSTS bug number KB article number Description Fix area
12517653 4479283 FIX: SQL Server installation fails if one of the remote nodes is unreachable in a cluster Setup & Install
12249938 4456883 FIX: Change Tracking cleanup message 22123 is unexpectedly recorded in the error log file in SQL Server SQL Engine
12519839 4459220 FIX: Incorrect results occur when you convert "pollinginterval" parameter from seconds to hours in sys.sp_cdc_scan in SQL Server SQL Engine
12519819 4459981 FIX: Access violation occurs and SSAS crashes when you process an SSAS database in SQL Server 2014 and 2016 Analysis Services
12519831 4460112 FIX: Access violation when you run a query that uses the XML data type in SQL Server 2014 SQL Engine
12519810 4460116 FIX: Overestimations when using default Cardinality Estimator to query table with many null values SQL performance
12519835 4463742 FIX: Access violation for query that uses INSERT INTO … SELECT to insert data into clustered columnstore index SQL performance
12519846 4465867 FIX: "ran out of memory" error when executing a query on a table that has a large full-text index in SQL Server 2014 and 2016 SQL Engine
12546055 4469268 FIX: I/O errors on a BPE file causes buffer time out in SQL Server SQL Engine
12431345 4469554 FIX: Assertion error occurs during restore of compressed backups in SQL Server 2016 SQL Engine
12541489 4469722 FIX: Internal error messages when you update a FILESTREAM tombstone system table in SQL Server SQL Engine
12549008 4480648 FIX: ObjectPropertyEx does not return correct row count when there are partitions in a database object SQL Engine
12521847 4480639 FIX: SQL Server service crashes when DBCC CHECKDB runs against a database that has a corrupted partition in SQL Server SQL Engine



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