Вышла новая прошивка REDFISH_X10_386 для материнской платы X10DRL-i.
На страничке производителя: https://www.supermicro.com/en/products/motherboard/X10DRL-i
На базе этой материнки два сервера:
Скачать прошивку: REDFISH_X10_386_20191115_unsigned.zip
Release note: X10DRL-i_IPMI_v3_86_Release_Notes.pdf
- Populated NAS-Identifier (rfc2865, 5.32.0) with BMC-specific string.
- Added BMC firmware solution to program and store unique preprogrammed password.
- Enabled logging multiple HDDs as absent at the same exact second as a StorageController type event in order to remind the user about possible component-related problem (e.g., storage controller, cable, or backplane error).
- Fixed problem of the hostname showing "SMC-bs_2019-10-17_11:28:41" after updating IPMI firmware.
- Fixed inability to update SMC3108 firmware from IPMI.
- Fixed ability to modify username with space.
- Corrected iKVM display of "Virtual Media".
- Fixed inability to launch SOL window.
- Merged X11 SMASH overflow and rearrange method.
- Corrected message that is displayed when IKVM port is unchecked.
- Fixed inability to immediately get the setting port number after changing the Virtual Media port.
- Fixed multiple vulnerabilities with Supermicro BMC Virtual Media.
- Fixed abnormality of sensor readings after sorting.
- Fixed problem of SEL showing error message after AOC-S3108 updates firmware.
Скачиваем прошивку.
В IPMI > Maintenance > Firmware Update.
Enter Update Mode.
Ok. Выбираем файл с прошивкой.
Upload Firmware.
Видим, что обновляться будет с версии 03.80 до версии 03.86.
Start Upgrade.
Началась прошивка.
IPMI перезагружается.
Прошивка обновлена до версии 03.86.