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Supermicro — список команд IPMICFG


С помощью утилиты IPMICFG можно не только настраивать IPMI серверов Supermicro из операционной системы.

IPMICFG — это утилита командной строки для настройки IPMI, предоставляющая стандартные IPMI и проприетарные OEM-команды Supermicro для конфигурации BMC/FRU.


  • Настройка IP IPMI
  • Управление конфигурацией IPMI
  • Конфигурация пользователей IPMI
  • Конфигурация IPMI FRU
  • Управление System Event Log (SEL)
  • Управление IPMI через node management (NM) протокол

Системные требования


  • Supermicro Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) с поддержкой спецификации Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) version 2.0
  • Диск: 200 МБ
  • Память: 64 МБ

Операционные системы

  • DOS 5.0 и старше
  • Microsoft Windows 10 / 11 / Server 2012 / Server 2016 / Server 2019 / Server 2022
  • Linux Kernel version 2.6.x и выше. Ex: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.8 и 7.2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP4 и 12 SP1 Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS
  • UEFI Shell
  • FreeBSD 10.4 и старше
  • VMWare ESXi 6.5 и старше

Настройка IP IPMI

Опции Описание
-m Shows IPv4 address and MAC.
-m <ip> -m <ip> Sets IPv4 address (format: ###.###.###.###).
-a <mac> Sets MAC (format: ##:##:##:##:##:##).
-k Shows Subnet Mask.
-k <mask> Sets Subnet Mask (format: ###.###.###.###)
-dhcp Gets the DHCP status.
-dhcp on Enables the DHCP.
-dhcp off Disables the DHCP.
-g Shows a Gateway IP.
-g <gateway> Sets a Gateway IP (format: ###.###.###.###).
-garp on Enables the Gratuitous ARP.
-garp off Disables the Gratuitous ARP.
-ipv6 mode Shows the IPv6 mode.
-ipv6 mode <mode> Sets the IPv6 mode.
-ipv6 autoconfig Shows IPv6 auto configuration.
-ipv6 autoconfig on Enables IPv6 auto configuration.
-ipv6 autoconfig off Disables IPv6 auto configuration.
-ipv6 list Lists IPv6 static and dynamic addresses.
-ipv6 duid Show IPv6 DUID.
-ipv6 dns [IPv6 addr] Gets/Sets IPv6 DNS server.
-ipv6 add <id> <IPv6 addr> <prefix> Adds IPv6 static address.
-ipv6 remove <id> Removes IPv6 static address.
-ipv6 route Displays IPv6 static route.
-ipv6 route on Enables IPv6 static route.
-ipv6 route off Disables IPv6 static route.
-ipv6 route list Lists IPv6 static router information.
-ipv6 route <id> <prefix value>
<prefix length> <IPv6 addr>
Sets IPv6 static router information.
-ipv6 route clear <id> Clears IPv6 static router information.
-addrptl [option] Gets/Sets IP address protocol.
-lockdown Checks the system’s lockdown mode.
-lani [option] Gets/Sets LAN interface.
-linkstatus Shows network link status.

Управление конфигурацией IPMI

Опции Описание
-r Performs a BMC cold reset.
-fd <option> Resets to the factory defaults without preserving configurations.
*To meet various needs, set [option] to 1, 2, or 3.
1: Preserves the configurations in the “Users” section.
2: Restores the factory defaults and the default password of the
3: Sets user’s password to ADMIN.
-fdl Resets IPMI to the factory default. (Clean LAN).
-fde Resets IPMI to the factory default. (Clean FRU & LAN).
-d Detects if a BMC reset was successfully performed on the IPMI device. Note that this option can be only used after -r, -fd, -fdl or -fde.
-ver Gets firmware revision
-vlan Gets VLAN status.
-vlan on <VLAN tag> Enables the VLAN and sets the VLAN tag.
If VLAN tag is not given, it uses the previously saved value.
-vlan off Disables the VLAN.
-selftest Checks and reports the basic health status of the BMC.
-raw Sends a RAW IPMI request and prints a response.
*Command format: NetFn/LUN Cmd [Data1 ... DataN]
-fan Gets the fan mode
-fan <mode> Sets the fan mode.
*Mode parameters, such as 0 or 1, may vary by motherboards.
-clrint Clears chassis intrusion.
-reset <index> Resets system and forces to boot from the selected device.
2 Hard-drive
4 Bios
7 USB Floppy
9 UEFI Hard-drive
-soft <index> Initiates a soft-shutdown for OS and forces system to boot from the selected device.
*For the list of index options for a reboot device, please find it in the note below.
-summary Displays FW and BIOS information.
-hostname [value] Gets/Sets a host name.
-mel list Shows BMC maintenance event log.
-mel download <file> Downloads a BMC maintenance event log to a file.
-mel clear Clears a BMC maintenance event log.

Конфигурация пользователей IPMI и функции конфигурации

Опции Описание
-pminfo [full] Displays PMBus health information of power supply.
-psfruinfo Displays FRU health information of power supply.
-autodischarge <module> <day> Sets auto discharge by days.
-discharge <module> Manually discharges a battery.
-user list Lists user privileges.
-user help Shows a user privilege code.
-user add <user id><user name>
Adds a user.
15 No Access
1 Callback
2 User
3 Operator
4 Administrator
-user del <user id> Deletes users.
-user level <user id> <privilege> Updates user privileges.
-user setpwd <user id> <password> Updates a user password.
-conf download <file> Downloads IPMI configuration to a binary file.
-conf upload <file> <option> Uploads IPMI configuration from a binary file.
*To bypass a warning message, use the option -p
-conf tdownload <file> Downloads IPMI configuration to a text file.
-conf tupload <file> <option> Uploads IPMI configuration from a text file.
*To bypass a warning message, use the option -p.

Конфигурация IPMI FRU

Опции Описание
-fru info Shows information of the FRU inventory area.
-fru list Shows all FRU values.
-fru cthelp Shows chassis type code.
-fru help Shows help of FRU Write.
-fru <field> Shows FRU field value.
-fru <field> <value> Writes FRU.
-fru backup <file> Backs up FRU to a file <Binary format>.
-fru restore <file> Restores FRU from a file <Binary format>.
-fru tbackup <file> Backs up FRU to a file <Text format>.
-fru trestore <file> Restores FRU from a file <Text format>.
-fru ver <v1> <v2> Gets/Sets the FRU version.
*<v1> and <v2> are BCD-format.
-fru dmi <$1> <$2> <$3> <$4> <$5> <$6><$7> <$8> <$9>
<$10> <$11> <$12> <$13> <$14>
Inputs 14 parameters and writes to FRU Chassis/Board/Product fields.
$1 PRODUCT Manufacturer Name
$2 PRODUCT Product Name
$3 PRODUCT Part Number
$4 PRODUCT Product Version
$5 PRODUCT Serial Number
$6 PRODUCT Asset Tag
$7 BOARD mfg/DateTime
$8 BOARD Board Manufacturer
$9 BOARD Product Name
$10 BOARD Part Number
$11 BOARD Serial Number
$12 CHASSIS Type (HEX value, ex:01,02,03 ...)
$13 CHASSIS Part Number
$14 CHASSIS Serial Number

Управление System Event Log (SEL) и сенсоры

Опции Описание
-sel info Shows SEL information.
-sel list Shows SEL records.
-sel del Deletes all SEL records.
-sel raw Shows SEL raw data.
-sdr [full] Shows SDR records and readings.
-sdr del <sdr id> Deletes the SDR record.
-sdr ver <v1> <v2> Gets/Sets the SDR version. (<v1> and <v2> are BCD-format.)

Управление IPMI через node management (NM 2.0) протокол

Опции Описание
-nm nmsdr Displays NM SDR.
-nm seltime Gets SEL time.
-nm deviceid Gets the ID of an ME device.
-nm reset Reboots ME.
-nm reset2default Forces ME to reset to default settings.
-nm updatemode Forces ME to enter the update mode.
-nm selftest Gets self-test results.
-nm listimagesinfo Lists ME information of images.
-nm oemgetpower OEM Power command for ME.
-nm oemgettemp OEM Temp. command for ME.
-nm pstate Gets the maximum allowed CPU P-State.
-nm tstate Gets the maximum allowed CPU T-State.
-nm cpumemtemp Gets CPU/memory temperature.
-nm hostcpudata Gets the host CPU data.

Управление Multi Node

Опции Описание
-tp info Gets MCU information.
-tp info <type> Gets information of MCU type.
*Type parameters are 1, 2 and 3.
-tp nodeid Gets a node ID.
-tp systemname [value] Gets/Sets a system name.
-tp systempn [value] Gets/Sets a system P/N.
-tp systemsn [value] Gets/Sets a system S/N.
-tp chassispn [value] Gets/Sets a chassis P/N.
-tp chassissn [value] Gets/Sets a chassis S/N.
-tp backplanepn [value] Gets/Sets a backplane P/N.
-tp backplanesn [value] Gets/Sets a backplane S/N.
-tp nodepn [value] Gets/Sets a node P/N.
-tp nodesn [value] Gets/Sets a node S/N.

Управление TAS

Опции Описание
-tas info Gets TAS information.
-tas pause Pauses a TAS service.
-tas resume Resumes a TAS service.
-tas refresh Triggers TAS to recollect data.
-tas clear Clears collected TAS data in BMC.
-tas period <sec> Sets the time length of a TAS update <limit 5 to 60 sec>.
-tas exec <cmd> Executes a user's specified command.

Управление NVMe

Опции Описание TAS running
-nvme list Displays the existing NVME SSD list. Yes
-nvme info Displays NVME SSD information. No
-nvme rescan Rescans all devices by in-band. Yes
-nvme insert <aoc> <group> <slot> Inserts SSD by out-of-band. No
-nvme locate <HDD name> Locates SSD. (in-band) Yes
-nvme locate <aoc> <group> <slot> Locates SSD. (out-of-band) No
-nvme stoplocate <HDD name> Stops locating SSD. (in-band) Yes
-nvme stoplocate
<aoc> <group> <slot>
Stops locating SSD. (out-of-band) No
-nvme remove <HDD name>
[option1] [option2]
Removes NVME device. (in-band)
*To disconnect an NVME device on the OS and then eject from BMC, by default, use 0 for [option1].
*To disconnect an NVME device on the OS but not eject from BMC afterwards, use 1 for [option1].
*To bypass a warning message, use -p for [option2].
-nvme remove <aoc> <group>
<slot> [option]
Removes NVME device. (out-of-band)
*To bypass a warning message, use the option -p.
-nvme smartdata [HDD name] NVME S.M.A.R.T data. Yes

Управление DCMI

Опции Описание
-dcmi cap Lists information of DCMI capabilities.
-dcmi power Gets the DCMI power readings.
-dcmi ctl [value] Gets/Sets the DCMI management controller ID string.



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